March for Life

Love  Changing Hearts Saving Lives

“You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother’s womb.
I praise you, because I am wonderfully made; wonderful are your works!” (Psalm 139)

Diocesan 2023-24 Pro-Life Events

The Office of Parish Life & Evangelization are pleased to announce the following upcoming pro-life events including a pilgrimage to Washington DC!

National March for Life in Washington D.C. January 19, 2024 

After a 4 year pause, the March for Life Pilgrimage returns! Bishop Gruss will join 200 youths and chaperones as they travel to stand with thousands of others to protect the dignity of life. Pilgrims will also attend a Students for Life Summit on January 20th.

The Catholic Diocese of Saginaw offers adults and youth, grades 8-12, an opportunity to participate in the March for Life in Washington, D.C. Please note the maximum number of registrations allowed is 200. Registration opens September 1, 2023 with a deadline to register of December 1, 2023, or until registration is full. Transportation will be provided by Great Lakes Motor Coach with lodging at the Hilton Garden Inn, 8301 Boone Boulevard, Vienna, VA. The cost, $350, covers bus transportation to and from Washington D.C., two nights’ lodging, and three breakfast meals.

The 2024 pilgrimage will begin with Mass at 8:00 a.m. at Holy Spirit Parish in Shields on Thursday, January 18, 2024. All are welcome to attend to pray for our pilgrims and the protection of the sanctity of life. Youth and chaperones will then board the buses and start their journey to Washington D.C.

Forms required for registration:

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Why do we continue to march?

Marching into a Post-Roe America

National Website: