Discovering that you are pregnant, when you weren’t planning to be, can be scary. You aren’t alone, and there are places for you to turn. The Catholic Diocese of Saginaw offers support to moms in need through the Walking with Moms Ministry, the Mother Teresa Endowment Fund, and community resources. Nonjudgmental support and completely confidential accompaniment are waiting for you at our parishes. Being Catholic is not a requirement.

Catholic parishioners like you are making big differences in the lives
of pregnant and parenting moms in their communities.
Find out how in this short video, Walking with Moms in Need.
Walking with Moms in Need is a year of service where Catholic parishes and communities "walk in the shoes" of local pregnant and parenting women in need.
Everyone should know how to help moms in difficult circumstances.
While not trying to turn Catholic parishes into pregnancy centers, we can support local pregnancy centers where they exist, and we can also find and share other resources with pregnant and parenting women.
And where there are few local resources, we can create our own, based on the gifts of the parish community!
We hope you and your parish will join us in Walking with Moms in Need.
To learn how you can be part of this vital ministry, watch this video: Intro to Walking with Moms in Need.(below)
To learn more contact Beth Bauer by clicking here.
- Click here to Donate to Helping Women Choose Life
The Mother Teresa Endowment Fund
The Mother Teresa Endowment Fund of the Catholic Diocese of Saginaw provides assistance to individuals or couples experiencing limited financial resources while awaiting the birth of their child and/or during the initial period following the birth. The fund was originally established through the generous gifts of many individuals to support LIFE. The dollars contributed are invested and the interest generated provides revenue for the assistance. These gift dollars keep working in perpetuity to promote and support new life.
Would you like to help a family facing these challenges? Donations to the Mother Teresa Endowment Fund are welcomed at any time and are tax-deductible. If you want to help, click here to contribute to the Mother Teresa Endowment Fund. The funds are managed through the Catholic Community Foundation of Mid-Michigan.
For Assistance
If you are in need of help paying for utility bills, food, clothing, housing, basic needs, etc. you may apply for assistance through the Mother Teresa Fund follow this link for the online application. Once the application is submitted, you will get a call from the Diocese of Saginaw. A special committee reviews the application and determines the amount of assistance based upon need and the availability of dollars. Should you need help in completing the application or if this is an emergency situation, please call Beth Bauer at 989-797-6655 or email
Mother Teresa, in all aspects of her life, was a generous dispenser of divine mercy, making herself available for everyone through her welcome and defense of human life, those unborn and those abandoned and discarded. She was committed to defending life, ceaselessly proclaiming that “the unborn are the weakest, the smallest, the most vulnerable.” She bowed down before those who were spent, left to die on the side of the road, seeing in them their God-given dignity. She made her voice heard before the powers of this world, so that they might recognize their guilt for the crime of poverty they created. For Mother Teresa, mercy was the “salt” which gave flavor to her work, it was the “light” which shone in the darkness of the many who no longer had tears to shed for their poverty and suffering.
Parish Leaders and Community Resource Contacts by County
- Arenac County
Resurrection of the Lord Parish 423 W. Cedar St. Standish 48658 989-846-9565
Contact persons: Elaine or Pat Bay County
Our Lady of Czestochowa Parish 1515 Cass Ave. Bay City, MI 48708 989-893-6421
Contact persons: Pat or Haila ackelyhaila14@hotmail.comOur Lady of Peace Parish 607 E. South Union St. Bay City, MI 48706 989-892-6031
Contact person: Linda office@baycityourladyofpeace.comSt. Jude Thaddeus Parish 614 Pine St. Essexville, MI 48732 989-894-2701
Contact person: Kathy katherine.m.collier@gmail.comCommunity Resources
LifeClinic Community Resources
989.922.5433 Clare County
Our Lady of Hope Parish 106 E. Wheaton Ave. Clare, MI 48617 989-386-9862
Contact person: Liz clarecountyrtl@gmail.comCommunity Resources
Joshua's House Maternity Home
www.joshuashouseint.orgJoshua's House a Place of Hope
833.424.2229 Huron County
Good Shepherd Parish 4476 N. Washington St. Ubly, MI 48475 989-658-8824
Contact person: Jeanne Gladwin County
Options Resource Clinic
www.oopspregnant.comCaring Pregnancy Center
989.345.3909 Gratiot County
Pregnancy Services of Gratiot County
989.466.2295 Huron County
Positive Alternatives Pregnancy Care Center
989.269.6760 Isabella County
Life Choices of Central Michigan
- Midland County
LifeClinic Community Resources
989.835.1500 Saginaw County
Holy Spirit Parish 1035 N. River Rd. Saginaw, MI 48609 989-781-2457
Contact persons: Linda or Anne Marie amsauve61@gmail.comSt. John Vianney Parish 6400 McCarty Rd. Saginaw, MI 48603 989-790-1681
Contact persons: Jan or Rebecca mrsbecmilller@gmail.comSt. Michael Parish 17994 Lincoln Rd. New Lothrop, MI 48460 989-845-7010
Contact persons: Esther or Barb
or Kelly kelly.knieper@stmichaelmaplegrove.orgSt. Thomas Aquinas Parish 5376 State St. Saginaw, MI 48603 989-799-2460
Contact persons: Christina or Pat pkosuth@hotmail.comCommunity Resources
LifeClinic Community Resources
www.lifeclinic.orgOld Town Baby Pantry
www.oldtowncoc.comPregnancy Care Center
www.saginawpcc.orgH.I.S. Restoration Ministries
989.327.1086 Sanilac County
Ave Maria Parish 5366 Main, Lexington, MI 48450 810-359-5400
Contact person: Nikkea nikkeatodd@att.netHoly Family Parish 59 Moore St. Sandusky, MI 48471 810-648-2968
Contact person: Rita Tuscola County
Positive Alternatives Pregnancy Care Center