9 Days for Life is a novena for the protection of human life. Each day’s intention is accompanied by a short reflection and suggested actions to help build a culture of life. Those wishing to participate online may register at respectlife.org/9-days-signup In addition, all are invited to join virtually for the 2024 National Prayer Vigil for Life on January 18th at 5 p.m. live from the Great Upper Church of the Basilica. The Most Reverend Michael Burbidge, Bishop of Arlington and Chairman of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities will be the principal celebrant and homilist. Immediately following the Opening Mass, the National Holy Hour for Life will be held through 8 p.m. The Mass will be livestreamed nationalshrine.org/mass Please pray for our pilgrims journeying to Washington D.C. to attend the National March for Life.
Locally Produced Videos (2021)
Please note that some of these videos include accompanying links to helpful resources such as reflection questions, scripture, catechism and more.
Advisory for parents/guardians and educators- The following videos contain mature subject matter which may not be appropriate for all audiences. We encourage you to review before sharing.
- Defining Pro-Life
- The Greatest Injustice of Our Generation
- Suicide and Respecting Life
- Taking care of the Earth and Ourselves
- Respecting Body and Soul
- Living with Suffering
- Respect for the Person Regarding Racism
- War and Peace