Where is the chapel?
The Adoration Chapel is located at St. James Church, All Saints Parish. The address is 710 Columbus Ave. in Bay City. All are welcome to attend.
When can I visit the new Adoration Chapel?
You can visit the chapel at any time, day or night, to pray before the Blessed Sacrament. Please note that the Blessed Sacrament will not be exposed during Mass times and during funeral visitations.
Where is the Entrance to the Adoration Chapel?
Enter the doors facing the intersection of Columbus Avenue and Monroe Street. In the foyer, you will see a transparent glass door leading into the chapel. This door is always locked for security purposes. Simply knock on the door and the assigned adorer will let you in to pray. The scheduled, assigned adorers will always be present to welcome those who wish to pray.

I’ve never attended Eucharistic Adoration. What should I expect?
Eucharistic Adoration is a beautiful way to worship Jesus present in the Most Holy Eucharist. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed in a monstrance (in which the Blessed Sacrament is visible outside of the Tabernacle) on the altar. The Adoration Chapel is silent, though some Eucharist Adoration opportunities include sacred music, Scripture readings and group prayer.
You can pray in the way that is best for you: the rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, writing in a prayer journal or reading the Bible or a spiritual book are all great places to start. Eucharistic Adoration also gives you the opportunity for contemplative prayer, to simply look at Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and love him, and know His deep love for you. You can stop in for five minutes or stay for an hour or more. Most importantly, be patient as the Lord works on your heart. Saint Augustine, when reflected on the fact that the Magi (Kings), after coming to adore Jesus after his birth in Bethlehem, returned by a different route. He notes that after every act of true Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, we leave "different", hopeful and at peace.
Some beginning resources you might find helpful include:
What is the point of Eucharistic adoration? By Fr. John Bartunek and Dan Burke
The hour that will change your life By Fr. Mike Schmitz
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
A Beginner’s Guide to Adoration by LifeTeen
There was a special prayer to close the former Chapel; Mass was celebrated to open the new!
Father Dale Orlik, pastor of St. Jude Thaddeus Parish, lead a short prayer service at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, July 25, at the St. Joseph Chapel of St. Jude Thaddeus Parish before the transition. Bishop Joseph Cistone then presided at a Solemn Mass at noon at St. James Church, All Saints Parish, followed by exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the new Adoration Chapel. Many attended and participated in the Mass.
Is the new location handicapped accessible?
Yes, sidewalk repairs and wide doors allow for handicapped accessibility. There are no steps to get to the Adoration Chapel.
Where can I park?
Please park on either Monroe Street or Columbus Avenue. The door to the Adoration Chapel is at the corner of those streets, with sidewalks and signage leading to the entrance.
Will there be prayer resources at the Adoration Chapel?
Yes, there will be a variety of resources, including spiritual reading, prayers and rosaries available for your time in the Adoration Chapel. When you are done, please leave them in the chapel for others to use.
What are some of the security features of the Adoration Chapel?
The Adoration Chapel includes security cameras and a secure entrance. Regular adorers who have scheduled times will have key cards to access the chapel, and they will open the door for those who wish to pray. Doors other than the designated Adoration Chapel entrance will be locked as well. The alarm system will be activated after hours, so please only use the designated door for entry and exit.
I feel called to pray in Eucharistic Adoration regularly. How do I become a regular adorer?
To sign up, please call the person in charge of your preferred time frame:
Midnight to 6 a.m. — Dave Sohacki at 989-892-8033
6 a.m. to Noon — Elaine McPhail at 989-239-8842
Noon to 6 p.m. — Ann Stein at 989-686-7743
6 p.m. to Midnight — Janet Hamling at 989-686-1321
What are some of the changes and improvements All Saints Parish has made to accomodate the Adoration Chapel?
All Saints Parish has repadded seats and kneelers in the chapel and added LED lights. The parish will be installing a door between the chapel and main church, which will feature stained glass from the old St. James Church.
How are these improvements and the chapel maintenance being funded?
The Adoration Chapel is a ministry supported by the six Bay City parishes: All Saints, Corpus Christi, Our Lady of Czestochowa, Our Lady of Peace, St. Catherine of Siena and St. Jude Thaddeus. A background similar to the one currently at the Adoration Chapel at St. Joseph Church, St. Jude Thaddeus Parish, will also be added.
Those who wish to support the Adoration Chapel may do so by writing a check to All Saints Parish and writing “Adoration Chapel” in the memo.
What if there is a funeral or Mass?
Visitations are held prior to Mass in the chapel. In this circumstance, as with Mass, the scheduled adorers and any who wish to pray may proceed directly to the main church to participate in Mass and the spiritual work of mercy to pray for the dead. About five minutes before each Mass, the Blessed Sacrament will be placed in the main tabernacle. The scheduled adorer and any who wish to pray are encouraged to attend Mass and receive Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. There is no better way to adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament than to prayerfully attend Mass.
When is Mass at St. James Church (710 Columbus Ave. in Bay City)?
Saturday at 5 p.m.
Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday at 8:30 a.m.
Funerals and weddings as scheduled
Are there accessible restrooms?
Yes, the scheduled adorer will have the key to access the restrooms in the main church.
Will any Sacred Objects from the Adoration Chapel at St. Joseph Church, St. Jude Thaddeus Parish, be moved to the new chapel?
Yes, a large image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was offered to All Saints Parish about four years ago and currently hangs in the chapel. The Stations of the Cross and prayer resources from the chapel at St. Joseph Church, St. Jude Thaddeus Parish, will also be relocated to the new Adoration Chapel.
"Being such a powerhouse of grace, Perpetual Adoration extends its influence far beyond the individual adorers, touching their homes and families and reaching out to the parish community and beyond."- Blessed Paul VI
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