Bishop Gruss shares about discovering our unique place in God's Kingdom...our vocation, in message for National Vocations Awareness Week

Below is an excerpt from Bishop Gruss' Message for National Vocations Awareness Week (Nov. 1 to 7)
"God knows what is best for us. Every vocation is part of a divine plan.

"God wants us to be happy in life and knows what will make us the happiest and most fulfilled person that we can possibly be. That will happen when we discover our unique place in God’s kingdom…our vocation.

"I discovered my own vocation to the priesthood when I took a risk and began to pray these words: 'Lord, what do you want me to do with the rest of my life? I will do anything you ask!'

"Yes, it is a bold prayer. Yes, it is a risky prayer. But it is also an honest prayer and speaks of a desire to seek and do the will of God. Because doing the will of God is where we find true happiness." 
Read Bishop Gruss' Full Message
Click on the video below to hear about the gift of the priesthood from Father Andy Laframboise and Father Adam Maher. You can also get to know our seminarians and see more stories, videos and resources related to priesthood vocations by clicking here. 
Father LaFramboise is pastor of St. Agnes Parish, Freeland and co-director of priestly vocations. Father Maher serves as Chaplain in Campus Ministry at Nouvel Catholic Central High School and at Saginaw Valley State University. He also serves as Assistant Vocation Director for the Diocese of Saginaw.
Bishop Gruss mentions vocations to religious life in his talk. One religious order that ministers in our diocese is the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, whose motherhouse is located in Alma. This video, which was recorded earlier this year in Alma, features musical performances by the Religious Sisters of Mercy.