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At the discretion of the pastor or pastoral administrator/director of parish life, a parish in the Diocese of Saginaw is permitted to resume public Masses on Monday, May 25, 2020 under the conditions below and as outlined in the Liturgical Guidelines and Protocols for Resumption of Public Masses.
All parishes in the Diocese of Saginaw will resume the celebration of public Mass by Saturday, May 30, 2020 under the same conditions.
The following are necessary conditions for the resumption of public Masses:
• Face-coverings/masks are to be worn by the faithful in and around the church.
• Cleaning and sanitizing of church facilities using proper techniques before or after Masses using CDC guidelines.
• Physical distancing must be practiced in the church and on the church property.
• Parish churches are not to exceed 20-25% of total capacity for the church. • This limit should allow people to remain at least six feet apart.
Bear in mind:
• Depending on church layout, this number may have to be less than 20-25% of the total capacity.
• An additional location on the church property (e.g. gathering space or social hall) may be used as an “overflow” for additional people desiring to attend public Mass.
• This should not exceed the same 20-25% capacity for the space.
• Both indoor and outdoor Masses require adherence to strict physical distancing guidelines.
❖ Funerals, Weddings, and Baptisms during Mass may resume along the same timeline and under the same conditions as listed in #3 above.
❖ All non-liturgical gatherings should continue to be suspended. At the discretion of the pastor or pastoral administrator/director of parish life, exceptions may be made if attendees observe strict health and safety guidelines and the gathering does not exceed 10 persons at any one time.
❖ All the faithful in the Diocese are dispensed from their Sunday obligation to attend Mass through Sunday, August 30, 2020.