Education & Formation

Online Resources

Formed: The Augustine Institute is providing parishes complimentary access to FORMED during these challenging times so that growth in your faith can happen from the comfort of your home.  FORMED offers a ton of resources for kids, adults, families, including catechetical programs, TV shows, movies, (and currently live daily Bible studies as well!). To learn more, including how to register for an account, please visit

Project YM Live: A weekly live broadcast your youth minister can invite teens to participate in.  We're bringing in some of the biggest speakers in the Catholic World and some amazing musicians to make it a high caliber event - plus interactive screen games and live chat.  Check it out here: 

More resources:

For Your Marriage - Family Life Parenting

Magnificat: Free subscription of spiritual reading and daily Mass readings 
Word on Fire: Videos and articles by Bishop Robert Barron. Videos
National Federation for Catholic Youth MinistryFree webinars
Fr. Robert Spitzer’s Magis Center:  Free online classes and webinars on Faith and Science

Spanish Language Resources

Magnificat in SpanishFree subscription of spiritual reading and daily Mass readings
Cuidad Redonda:  Daily readings and other Catholic resources in Spanish
Loyola Press:  Daily 3-minute retreat in Spanish
Spanish-language articles, videos, and other resources for married couples:
Por Tu Matrimonio  
Casa para tu Fe Católica (Fray Nelson)