Coordinator of Faith & Catechist Formation and Vicariate Liaison

Diocese of Saginaw
Saginaw, MI

Coordinator of Faith and Catechist Formation/OCIA Position Summary:
The Coordinator of Faith and Catechist Formation/OCIA assists all parishes in designing educational and formation programs for faith formation leaders, catechists and parish leaders; consults with leaders in designing parish-based programs for children and family-based formation; assists with faith formation elements of diocesan events and offerings; and regularly communicates with parish leaders in order to maximize the gifts and talents of each faith formation leader and catechist.

Vicariate Liaison Position Summary:
The Vicariate Liaison of the Office of Parish Life and Evangelization is a human bridge between the resources of the diocesan offices and an assigned vicariate, its parishes, priests, and lay leaders. The Liaison is charged with direct parish contact approximately 20% of the time, including attending the assigned vicariate meetings, listening to and assessing needs within and among the parishes of the vicariate. The liaison also will respond to diocesan school needs within their vicariate upon the request of the Director of Parish Life and Evangelization and in collaboration with the Superintendent of Schools.