On Friday, Jan. 27, hundreds of Catholic pilgrims, mostly teens from across the diocese of Saginaw, participated in the 44th annual March for Life in Washington, D.C.
"In all my years of attending the March for Life, I have never felt such energy, enthusiasm and hope among the people gathered in Washington, D.C.," Bishop Joseph Cistone said. "It was historic and optimistic to hear a vice president of the United States actually welcome us to the capitol and express to us solidarity in our desire to ensure that all life is respected and protected, even the life of the unborn."
Led by Bishop Cistone, the pilgrims from the Diocese of Saginaw joined hundreds of thousands of fellow Catholics and people of all faiths to raise awareness to the more than 58 million babies who have been aborted since the Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion.
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