Local T.V. Story Features Benefits of myParish App


In case you missed it, this local news story is an outstanding example of how parishes and the diocese are working together to minister in a new and exciting way. Over 2,000 people have downloaded the myParish app in the last 12 days in the Diocese of Saginaw. One parish, Holy Spirit Parish in Shields, already has 173 people signed up! The app allows you to easily send and receive messages from your parish; view the bulletin; keep up with Catholic news and events; listen to homilies; set reminders for Mass and confession times; access extensive prayer guides and resources; and, follow the daily Mass readings . . . all in one convenient place. If you haven't downloaded the myParish app, yet, you can do so by using one of the links below.

Download the app now on your Apple device.

Download the app now on your Android device.