Photos of Holy Door Openings

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This weekend, Holy Doors were opened in dioceses around the world, including the Diocese of Saginaw. Pilgrims had an opportunity to pass through the Holy Doors, thus expressing their willingness to “enter” into the mercy and love of God. The Holy Doors will remain open throughout the remainder of the jubilee year. Photos are now available from the following churches (additional photos will be posted as they are received):

Photos from Sacred Heart Church, Ss. Francis & Clare Parish, Birch Run can be seen below:

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Photos from Sacred Heart Church, St. Hubert Parish, Bad Axe can be seen below:

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Photos from Sacred Heart Church, Sacred Heart Parish, Gladwin can be seen below:


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Photos from Sacred Heart Church, St. Christopher Parish, Caro, can be seen below:

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Photos from Sacred Heart Church, St. John XXIII Parish, Merrill, can be seen below:

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