Sacred Heart Academy Celebrates Grand Opening of Laboratory


w Olivieri Family with Fr Loren

On Sept. 2, Sacred Heart Academy in Mount Pleasant celebrated the grand opening of their new STEM Lab. In April 2015, SHA began a major gift campaign to raise $500,000 for the following objectives:

  • Create an all-new, fully equipped, hands-on Science learning lab which would be available to all students, grades DK through 12.
  • Establish a 1:1 technology program for 7th through 12th graders with the use of Chromebooks, which have cross-curriculum value.
  • Place over-subscriptions or unused contingency in the SHA Foundation, establishing a STEM Fund where interest would benefit the sustainability of STEM efforts.

By June 1, 2015 more than $500,000 was donated by SHA alumni and friends. The project began shortly thereafter. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics. More information and photos are available here.