SAGINAW- The Diocese of Saginaw received new information today that Francis M. Landwermeyer, a former Jesuit priest who served as principal of Nouvel Catholic Central High School in Saginaw from 1985-1988, was credibly accused of multiple allegations of sexually abusing minors. He was removed from ministry in 2010 and left the Jesuit order and the priesthood in 2011. He died in 2018. The diocese was unaware of this information until today.
The diocese is not aware of any abuse that took place during Landwermeyer’s time at Nouvel and has no further details at the present time. Landwermeyer’s name will be added to the diocese website of names of clergy accused of sexual abuse of a minor.
We have no new information about any other priests who may have served in the diocese. The office of the Attorney General is in possession of all our clergy files.
We continue to call upon all the faithful of the diocese to pray for healing for all. It is our steadfast and ongoing commitment to safeguard children, and we will not waver in our efforts to ensure the safety of minors and all those entrusted to our care.