In March, we celebrate the wedding anniversaries of couples within our Diocese, and thank them for their witness of faith, hope, and love to a world in need of seeing covenant marriage honored with God.
Charles & Carol R. - 68 yrs.
Larry & Coralee B. - 66 yrs.
Roger & Rosemary B. - 59 yrs.
Bob & Sue G. - 52 yrs.
Richard & Catherine S. - 51 yrs.
Ricky & Pauline D. - 50 yrs.
Joe & Cheryl G. - 47 yrs.
James & Carol S. - 46 yrs.
Nicholas & Helen D. - 39 yrs.
Tom & Virginia C. - 38 yrs.
David & Janet M. - 32 yrs.
Joel & Debra K. - 29 yrs.