Witness God's faithfulness and love through the Sacrament of Marriage


In March, we celebrate the wedding anniversaries of couples within our Diocese, and thank them for their witness of faith, hope, and love to a world in need of seeing covenant marriage honored with God.


Charles & Carol R. - 68 yrs.
Larry & Coralee B. - 66 yrs.
Roger & Rosemary B. - 59 yrs.
Bob & Sue G. - 52 yrs.
Richard & Catherine S. - 51 yrs.
Ricky & Pauline D. - 50 yrs.
Joe & Cheryl G. - 47 yrs.
James & Carol S. - 46 yrs.
Nicholas & Helen D. - 39 yrs.
Tom & Virginia C. - 38 yrs.
David & Janet M. - 32 yrs.
Joel & Debra K. - 29 yrs.