Oral Histories

Oral History

The oral history of our Diocesan Priests and Religious is a valuable and integral part of understanding the role and impact of these religious leaders within their communities. Through collecting and preserving their personal narratives, we can gain insight into the challenges they face, the spiritual guidance they provide, and the evolving nature of their ministry. These recorded interviews offer us a unique perspective on the lived experiences, allowing for a deeper understanding of their motivations, struggles, and successes. Furthermore, oral history provides context to historical events or changes within the Church, documenting firsthand accounts that would otherwise be lost to time. By emphasizing the importance of oral histories in this field, we not only ensure that these voices are heard but also enable future generations to learn from and build upon our collective past as they navigate their own journeys as stewards of faith.

Recorded Histories

Fr. Richard Jozwiak 2023

Sisters of Saint Clare 2023

Fr. John Sarge 2023

Fr. Matthew Gembrowski 2023