Office Hours: 10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Monday - Thursday
We currently do not have a priest in residence so please contact other parishes in the area for all Sacramental emergencies, here are a few: Holy Family 989-755-8020, Saint Dominic 989-799-2334, Saint Francis of Assisi 989-752-1971, Saint Thomas Aquinas 989-799-2460. Thank you.
Parish Leadership
Most Rev. Robert D. Gruss | Pastor
Rev. Adam P. Maher | Rector
Joylynn Rasmussen | Office Professional
Religious Sisters of Mercy | Parish Manager
Mary Vogelpohl | Bookkeeper
Hope Villandre | Director of Religious Education
Sr. Andrea Marie Lee, RSM | Director of Music
Dave Beckrow | Parish Maintenance
Laura Martin del Campo | Pastoral Council Chair
Margaret Maday Dziuban | Finance Council Chair