Ways Christ's Mission Appeal Helps our Parishes and Diocese

1. Your support of the Christ's Mission Appeal helps to support the training of lay ministers who serve in parishes throughout the Diocese of Saginaw. Education for this important ministry includes four years of theology and faith formation. Nearly 400 people from parishes across the diocese serve individual churches and communities as lay ministers.

2. When months for harvesting crops in our region approach, migrant workers travel to our communities to work in the fields. Christ's Mission Appeal funds programs through the Office of Hispanic Ministry to help to bring faith formation and the sacraments to our Catholic brothers and sisters who labor on our farms.

3. Christ's Mission Appeal helps fund many faith offerings and retreats available to the people of our parishes to help them grow as disciples. In addition, the diocesan Faith Formation Office supports leaders in parishes who provide youth ministry and adult faith formation.  

4. Your support of the Christ's Mission Appeal helps to bring healing to the divorced.  The staff of the Tribunal of the Diocese of Saginaw trains volunteers known as “advocates” to work with people who have experienced a divorce and who want to obtain a declaration of nullity.  Christ's Mission Appeal helps make this service possible.  Thank you for your gift.

5. Central Michigan University and Saginaw Valley State University have strong campus ministry programs that are made possible through your gifts to Christ's Mission Appeal.  The priests and volunteers ministering on college campuses are continually working to make the Catholic faith available to students in dynamic ways. Vibrant liturgies, involving students in ministerial leadership positions, lively discussions that focus on the teachings of the church, travel to conferences, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and spiritual retreats such as Kononia, (which means “community”) are offered twice per year.  These are samples of the many ways students are called to prayer and a deepening of their faith through campus ministry programs.   

6. The FAITH Saginaw magazine was increased to six issues a year ‐‐ mailed to all parishioners of the Diocese of Saginaw.  The magazine shares inspirational stories and educational articles and reports special events throughout the diocese.  Your gifts to Christ's Mission Appeal help to make this publication possible.  The magazine is created by the Office of Communication, which is funded in part by the Christ's Mission Appeal.   

7. The Chrism Mass, held on Tuesday of Holy Week, is an opportunity for representatives of every parish of the diocese to gather.  At the Mass, the oils of the sick and the oils of the catechumenate as well as the Holy Chrism are blessed and distributed to every parish, to be used throughout the year for sacraments and anointing of the sick.  This beautiful celebration is planned by the Office of Liturgy which is partially funded by your gifts to Christ's Mission Appeal.   Thank you for your support.

8. Once a year, a Rachel’s Vineyard retreat is offered by a team trained by the Office of Christian Service.  The weekend is for those who have experienced an abortion sometime in the recent or distant past.  Those who attend come to seek forgiveness and closure on this painful life choice.   Scripture and prayer are integrated into the entire weekend process.  Your gifts to Christ's Mission Appeal help make this healing process possible.   

9. The 2020 Christ's Mission Appeal Target is $3,693,000.  The Christ's Mission Appeal provides about 50% of funding for the total diocesan budget.  The remaining percentage is provided by a combination of fees from workshops and programs offered by diocesan offices, bequests and gifts, rebates, and investments.  Your gifts to Christ's Mission Appeal provide a significant source of funding to make the many ministries and services provided by the Diocese possible.   

10. Your gifts to Christ's Mission Appeal allow the Vicar General to serve the 56 parishes of the Diocese.  He works closely with pastors and pastoral administrators to help ensure that parish reorganizations are proceeding according to plans.  He also connects parishes with diocesan offices and services when a specific parish need is identified.  The services of the Vicar General are one of the many ministries offered through the office of the Bishop made possible by your gift to Christ's Mission Appeal.   

11. There are a growing variety of addictions that can lead to the deterioration of relationships and marriages. They include: gambling, working too many hours, over involvement with computers, texting and other technology, pornography, drug, alcohol and food addictions, just to name a few.  Counseling at Catholic Family Service can help with these issues.  Your gifts to Christ's Mission Appeal result in a subsidy to Catholic Family Service to offer these services.   

12. After the March for Life in Washington D.C., the young people of our diocese who attend take part in a night of formation where they learn more about the various aspects of abortion and the importance of developing a Respect Life culture.  March for Life, which is coordinated by the Offices of the Bishop, Christian Service, and Youth Ministry, is a powerful experience for our young people.  Your gifts to the Christ's Mission Appeal help make this strong Respect Life experience possible.