Annual Meeting - The Saginaw Diocesan Council of Catholic Women


The Saginaw Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will hold their Annual Meeting on Wednesday, September 18, at the Center for Ministry in Saginaw. 

All women of the diocese are invited to attend. 

Registration will be from 9 to 9:30 a.m. The morning presentation will be about the Mid-Michigan Honor Flight for women veterans, and the afternoon presenter will be Erin Looby Carlson informing us about the Eucharistic Congress. Mass will be celebrated. The cost is $12 for members; $14 for nonmembers, which includes a box lunch. The conference will end at approximately 3 p.m. 

Please RSVP to Rita Maher (989-635-7072) or Joyce Raducha (989-875-2650) by Sunday, September 15.