Vatican Exhibit

Sacred Heart in Gladwin will be hosting an exhibition featuring 160 panels showcasing 126 Church approved miracles over the past 1500 years.

Eucharistic miracles are extraordinary events that reveal the real presence of Jesus Christ in the consecrated bread and wine in tangible ways. For example, a host may visibly transform into human flesh and blood. Come and discover how Our Lord has miraculously revealed Himself throughout history. (And let's never limit God's power by our human doubts.) The exhibition features 160 panels showcasing 126 Church ­approved miracles over the past 1,500 years.


  • Sept. 7th: 6 to 8pm 
  • Sept. 8th: 4 to 5:45pm 
  • Sept. 9th: 12 to 5:45pm 
  • Sept. 10th: 12 to 5:45pm 
  • Sept. 11th: 12 to 5:45pm