Most Reverend Robert D. Gruss, Bishop of Saginaw, announces the following clerical and parish assignments, effective July 1, 2021:
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Reverend Alberto Vargas from graduate studies in Rome to Pastor of Saints Francis and Clare, Birch Run, effective August 1, 2021 for 6 years.
Reverend Michael Steltenkamp, S.J. from Parochial Administrator pro tem to Pastor of St. John XXIII, Hemlock and Merrill, for 6 years.
The following have been re-appointed to their current assignment:
Reverend Dale A. Orlik, Pastor of St. Jude Thaddeus Parish, Essexville, for 1 year.
Reverend Thomas E. Sutton, Pastor of St. Gabriel Parish, Auburn, for 1 year.
Reverend John Cotter, Pastor of St. Michael, Maple Grove and Mary of The Immaculate Conception Parish of St. Charles, for 1 year.
Parochial Vicar
Reverend Kevin Wojciechowski – Parochial Vicar, St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, Saginaw.
Reverend Theodore Nnabugo, from Parochial Administrator at Our Lady Consolata Parish, Cass City to Parochial Vicar.
Reverend Baltha Raj Bandaru – Parochial Vicar, St. John Paul II Parish and Christ the Good Shepherd Parish, Saginaw.
Sacramental Ministers– Completion of Assignment
Reverend Robert Byrne, Senior Priest, as Sacramental Minister, Saints Francis and Clare, Birch Run, completion of assignment on August 1, 2021.
Reverend Randy Kelly, Senior Priest, as Sacramental Minister, Saints Francis and Clare, Birch Run, completion of assignment August 1, 2021.
Director of Parish Life
Deacon David Gillespie, Director of Parish Life for Our Lady Consolata Parish, Cass City.
Director of Parish Life – Completion of Assignment
Deacon Steven George Director of Parish Life of Saints Francis & Clare Parish of Birch Run.
View priest directory including contact info