- Vocation to the Diocesan Priesthood is a life of serving God’s people within the parishes and diocese by being a visible sign of the presence of Christ.
- Vocation to the Religious Life involves living vows of poverty, chastity and obedience as a religious sister, brother or priest within community life.
- Vocation to the Married Life is living committed love to spouse and family in a way that shows others the kind of love that God shares with us.
- Vocation to the Single Life involves using the freedom of a single person to live as an example of great generosity and service to God and others.
Call to Ministry
Within the call to the married life or the single life, sometimes God calls people to serve within the Church as ministers:
- Vocation to the Diaconate is following Christ’s call to serve the Church as a Deacon through service of the word, service of the liturgy and service of charity, justice and pastoral outreach.
- Lay Ministry is a way for lay persons to share their gifts and talents as members of parish ministry teams or serving as the Church in other ways.