Pope Francis on the importance of mercy.
The Catholic Church has great compassion for those who are hurting, confused, or feeling distant from the Catholic Faith. If you have questions or would like to discuss something - please email or call Dr. Dan Osborn (Director of the Center for Ministry) at 989-797-6662.
I'm Catholic but . . .
I'm Hurting or Struggling
You are not alone. He is with you. Learn more.
♦I Feel Devastated by the Sexual Abuse Scandals♦
LGBTQ Community and the Church
I'm Upset about my Parish Merger
I was badly treated by a Catholic
My Child or Grandchild Doesn't Practice the Faith Anymore
I have Suffered a Loss and am Grieving
♦Healing in the Sacrament of Reconciliation♦
My Spouse is Catholic, But I'm Not
I or Someone I Know is Struggling with Suicidal Thoughts
Support and Information for Those Affected by Suicide
Troubled Marriages & Recovery from Divorce
I'm Confused about some of the Church's Teachings
Male Priesthood- What about Women?
Is the Catholic Church Just About the Rules?
Annulments (Declarations of Nullity)