
Events are listed below, use calendar to select days of interest or use the filters to sort by type of event.

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Evening of Healing - Encounter the Love & Mercy of the Divine Physician


Please join Bishop Gruss and clergy of the Diocese of Saginaw for an Evening of Healing with the Divine Physician. Although many people join us for the entire evening, feel free to join us for any part of the experience.



Friday, Jun. 6 at 4:30 PM
Friday, Jun. 6 at 9:00 PM
Our Lady of Peace Parish of Bay City, St. Mary of the Assumption Church

Vacation Bible School Registration!

Holy Family Saginaw has registration open for VBS! 

No cost, free T-shirt, lots of Jesus! 

Please join us and spread the word! 

Follow the link to sign up, or scan the QR code!

Vacation Bible School
Monday, Jun. 16 at 8:00 AM
Thursday, Jun. 19 at 12:30 PM
Holy Family Catholic Church
Event Contact Name Stephanie LaFramboise
Event Contact Email
Event Contact Phone 989-284-4141
Registration Link…

Vacation Bible School

Holy Family Saginaw has registration open for VBS! 

No cost, free T-shirt, lots of Jesus! 

Please join us and spread the word! 

Follow the link to sign up, or scan the QR code!

QR-Code for VBS
Monday, Jun. 16 at 9:00 AM
Thursday, Jun. 19 at 1:00 PM
Holy Family Catholic Church
Registration Link…