Women's Silent Lenten Retreat
A Lenten Silent Retreat will be offered to all women of the Diocese by the Saginaw Diocesan Council of Catholic Women at the Center for Ministry in Saginaw on Saturday, March 8. The retreat starts at 9 a.m. (registration begins at 8:30) and will end at approximately 4 p.m. The retreat leader will be LeAnne Osborn whose presentation title will be "Pilgrim Women of Hope." Meditation time, Mass, rosary, and Stations of the Cross will be included. The cost for the retreat is $25 (in advance/incl. morning snack & lunch). RSVP to Rita Maher (989-635-7072) before March 3.
Saturday, Mar. 8 at 4:00 PM

Safe Environment Facilitated Training
Safe Environment training is required for all diocesan, parish, and school employees and volunteers in contact with minors. All are welcome. Please arrive 10 minutes early to sign in to ensure the on-time beginning of the presentation.
Saturday, Mar. 8 at 12:00 PM

Safe Environment Facilitated Training
Safe Environment training is required for all diocesan, parish, and school employees and volunteers in contact with minors. All are welcome. Please arrive 10 minutes early to sign in to ensure the on-time beginning of the presentation.
*Event will be held at the Parish Office in the O'Connor Room
Tuesday, Mar. 11 at 8:30 PM

Awakening Discipleship in My Parish: A Pathway to the New Evangelization Workshop
This workshop will provide a framework that can enrich on-going formation, continuing education, and future program offerings in your parish. It will give participants a framework for successfully building a group of missionary disciples who can confidently help people through the journey of conversion to become disciples of Jesus Christ. It is based on a framework that builds on the current best practices of Evangelization in the Catholic Church. Specifically, participants will learn about:
Wednesday, Mar. 12 at 3:30 PM

Safe Environment Facilitated Training
Safe Environment training is required for all diocesan, parish, and school employees and volunteers in contact with minors. All are welcome.
This session is being held primarily for teachers and school staff. It is open to the public, but only a limited number of registrations will be allowed as we want to make sure we have enough room for our teachers and school staff. Please arrive 10 minutes early to sign in.
Wednesday, Mar. 12 at 4:00 PM

Lay Ecclesial Ministry Lenten Retreat 2025
The topic of this retreat is Contemplative Conversations on Creation and the Fall. This is based on the book by Pope Benedict XVI titled,
"In the Beginning...A Catholic Understanding of the Story of Creation and the Fall."
The retreat leader is Fr. Randy Kelly. Check-in begins at 6:15 PM on Friday with the retreat starting at 7:00 PM, and concludes on Sunday at 12:00 PM, after a light lunch.
Sunday, Mar. 16 at 12:00 PM

The Seven Last Words of Christ: Community Concert
Join Assumption Parish for a performance of “The Seven Last Words of Christ” by Theodore Dubois. Encounter Jesus’ powerful words from the cross through the music of this poignant work for orchestra and choir. No charge for admission. Free will offerings welcome.
Sunday, Mar. 23 at 4:00 PM

Prepare & Enrich Facilitator Training & Certification
Would you like to enhance your parish marriage preparation ministry?
An assessment tool Like Prepare & Enrich is an important part of the marriage preparation process. This training is suitable for lay individuals, married couples, and clergy. As part of the training, each participant will learn how to administer the online assessment, interpret the couples’ report, offer feedback, teach relationship skills, and work effectively with engaged and married couples.
Tuesday, Mar. 25 at 4:00 PM